Summary |
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Adjectives are words that describe the quality or state of being of a noun, examlpe : big, small, beautiful, happy, slow, quick, dirty...
They can also show the quantity or the number of nouns, example : many, several, few, two, thirty, hundreds...
Adjectives also indicate the quality, state of being or quantity of pronouns, example: He is rich. They are French.
Unlike English adjectives which are invariable, French adjectives possess the singular and plural, masculine and feminine forms. They have to agree in number and gender with the noun or pronoun that they describe, example: un petit garçon, une petite fille, de petits enfants, il est gentil, elle est gentille. |
As a general rule, the feminine of the French adjectives is formed by adding a mute e to the final of the masculine.
Masculine | Feminine |
petit | petite |
grand | grande |
noir | noire |
bleu | bleue |
vert | verte |
The adjectives that end with an e do not have a specific feminine form, examples: avide, chauve, grotesque, limpide, livide, pâle, pittoresque, ridicule, sombre, tiède, terne, vorace...
Some adjectives have only one form for both genders, although they do not end in e, examples: angora, chic, choc, grognon, kaki, mastoc, snob.
We also ad e to the end of the adjectives ending with -é to create the feminine, examples :
Masculine | Feminine |
âgé | âgée |
aisé | aisée |
borné | bornée |
doué | douée |
privé | privée |
Not all French adjectives form the feminine so easily. There are several other endings. To form the feminine of some adjectives, the masculine ending has to be removed and replaced with the feminine one.
The adjectives that end with -er change this ending with -ère to create the feminine. Thus, e takes on a grave accent and an e is added at the end of the masculine adjective, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
cher | chère |
fier | fière |
grossier | grossière |
journalier | journalière |
routier | routière |
The adjectives that end with -gu change this ending with -guë to create the feminine. Thus, the final e takes on an tréma ¨ which means that u has to be said, unlike the ending -gue which we say g like in dig, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
aigu | aiguë |
ambigu | ambiguë |
exigu | exiguë |
contigu | contiguë |
subaigu | subaiguë |
The adjectives ending with c, f, g, x change the ending. |
The adjectives ending with -c change this ending with -que to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
caduc | caduque |
laïc / laïque | laïque |
public | publique |
vioc / vioque | vioque | Irregular |
blanc | blanche |
franc* | franche |
sec | sèche |
grec | grecque | Comment |
* The adjective franc has two feminine endings, -que and -che, the meaning is different for each of them. Franque means relating to the Frankish people, example: une lanque franque. Franche means sincere, example: Marie n'a pas été franche avec moi. There are adjectives ending with -c which have only one form for both genders: antichoc, chic, choc, mastoc. |
The adjectives that end with -f become -ve to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
bref | brève |
décisif | décisive |
fictif | fictive |
incisif | incisive |
naïf | naïve |
The adjectives that end with -g add a U between -g and -e. Thus, g can keep its guttural pronunciation, like in the English word guitar, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
long | longue |
oblong | oblongue |
The adjectives that end with -x become -se to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
creux | creuse |
fameux | fameuse |
furieux | furieuse |
odieux | odieuse |
pieux | pieuse | Irregular |
doux | douce |
faux | fausse |
roux | rousse |
The adjectives ending with -el, -eil, -on, -en, -s, -et, -ot double the consonant and add an e. |
The adjectives that end with -el become -elle to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
actuel | actuelle |
beau, bel* | belle |
cruel | cruelle |
formel | formelle |
nouveau, nouvel* | nouvelle | Comment |
The adjectives with two masculine forms as beau, bel use the second one in front of nouns starting with a vowel, example: un bel homme. |
The adjectives that end with -eil become -eille to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
pareil | pareille |
vermeil | vermeille |
vieux, vieil* | vieille | Comment |
The adjectives with two masculine forms as vieux, vieil use the second one in front of nouns starting with a vowel, example: un vieil arbre. |
The adjectives that end with -en become -enne to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
ancien | ancienne |
chrétien | chrétienne |
moyen | moyenne |
païen | païenne |
pelvien | pelvienne |
The adjectives that end with -on become -onne to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
bon | bonne |
breton | bretonne |
maigrichon | maigrichonne |
mignon | mignonne |
pâlichon | pâlichonne | Exceptions |
lapon | lapone |
letton | lettone |
nippon | nippone |
The adjectives that end with -et become -ette to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
cadet | cadette |
douillet | douillette |
fluet | fluette |
sujet | sujette |
violet | violette | Comment |
Some of the adjectives that end with -et become -ète to create the feminine, examples: | |
complet | complète |
concret | concrète |
désuet | désuète |
discret | discrète |
inquiet | inquiète |
replet | replète |
secret | secrète |
The adjectives that end with -ot become -otte to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
boulot | boulotte |
pâlot | pâlotte |
sot | sotte |
vieillot | vieillotte | Comment |
Some of the adjectives that end with -ot become -ote to create the feminine, examples: | |
dévot | dévote |
falot | falote |
idiot | idiote |
manchot | manchote |
The adjectives that end with -eur become -esse, -euse, or -rice to create the feminine, examples:
Masculine | Feminine |
enchanteur | enchanteresse |
vengeur | vengeresse |
boudeur | boudeuse |
moqueur | moqueuse |
rieur | rieuse |
moteur | motrice |
rotateur | rotatrice | Comment |
Some irregular adjectives that end with -eur become -eure to create the feminine, examples: | |
antérieur | antérieure |
extérieur | extérieure |
inférieur | inférieure |
intérieur | intérieure |
majeur | majeure |
mineur | mineure |
postérieur | postérieure |
supérieur | supérieure |
French Adjectives Gender - Quiz 1
French Adjectives Gender - Quiz 2
French Adjectives Gender - Quiz 3
French Adjectives Gender - Quiz 4
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